Shortest travel time:
3 h 18 m
Longest travel time:
4 h 3 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
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Although Roma Termini is the main railway station in Rome, it's far from being the only one. Find out what are the major train stations in Italy's capital.
352 km
Rome to Rimini Train Information
Traveling the most often visited by tourists country in the world is rather easy when it comes to trains. Italy's rail network boasts dozens of routes, connected by modern and fast Italian trains, making travel on popular routes like Rome - Rimini very convenient. Apart from great amenities onboard, the Rome to Rimini trains offer several daily departure times to select from as well as boast quick travel times.
Trains on Rome - Rimini Route
Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
3 hrs 18 min