Shortest travel time:
26 m
Longest travel time:
1 h 10 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
33 km
The vibrant capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, is home to several key train hubs that connect the city to various destinations across Europe. Discover everything you need to know about railway stations in Amsterdam, from major hubs to services and transportation links.
Utrecht to Amsterdam Train Information
Being a tourist magnet due to its well-preserved architecture, the city of Utrecht is among the most popular destinations for day trips from Amsterdam, easily connected to the capital by rail. The comfortable and modern trains from Utrecht to Amsterdam boast record fast travel times and boast more than 100 daily departures to select from, making the trip even easier to plan.
Trains on Utrecht - Amsterdam Route
Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Dutch Railways
Train with 1 change
38 min
Dutch Railways
Intercity train
27 min
Dutch Railways
Train with 2 changes
1 hrs 3 min
Dutch Railways
Train with 1 change
38 min