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Travel to Naples by Train

Naples is an Italian city, the capital of the administrative region of Campania. Located at the foot of Vesuvius, which does not want to fall asleep, it combines the features of a modern metropolis and an open-air archaeological monument. According to the myth, during the wanderings of Odysseus, returning home from Troy, sirens – exotic female birds - tried to lure him with their singing. The morally resistant hero survived, but one of the beauties, Parthenope, could not stand the disappointment and committed suicide. The Greeks named the area in the area of modern Naples after her. The birthplace of the classic pizza "Marinera" and "Margarita", colorful Naples is full of life. Between the noisy Neapolitans, who speak their own dialect, different from the literary Italian language, groups of tourists are scurrying around trying to embrace the immensity: wander through the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii, climb Mount Vesuvius, explore medieval castles and art museums, sit in local restaurants and go to nearby islands with wonderful beaches. One of the best ways to view Naples extravaganzas is via the tour by Italy's trains and admire the breathtaking landscapes and ancient heritage while relaxing in the comfortable and well-equipped train!