
Flam to Bergen Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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122 km
Shortest travel time:2 h 50 m
Earliest departure:05:40
Longest travel time:5 h 0 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$47
Avg. daily departures:8
Latest departure:16:35

Flam to Bergen Train Information


If you want to enjoy the genuine beauty of Norwegian scenery, the train from Flam to Bergen is your chance. Departing from Flam Central Station, the train covers a distance of 11 km (less than 1 mile) in 30 minutes and arrives at Myrdal Station, where you will have a train change. From there the train will take you to Bergen in 2 hours of picturesque landscapes and changing riverside panoramas. Don’t worry, the travel won’t be so exhausting as you may think. All the Flam to Bergen trains operated by NSB (Norwegian State Railways) offer free WiFi, electric outlets, cozy spacious seats and dining cars providing food that is available for purchase for the entire trip. Besides, some NSB trains also include additional conveniences books, and movies. In total, there are up to 3 departures, so start booking your train tickets from Flam to Bergen now with Rail Ninja!Wondering how to make your trip to Bergen special? Plan your Norway itinerary in advance fully customizing your journey.

Popular questions about Flam to Bergen Trains

How do I get from Flam to Bergen?

The train from Flam departs from Flam Central Station and arrives at Bergen Central Station providing easy access to locations all over the city.

Is the Flam to Bergen train ride scenic?

The train journey from Flam to Bergen is absolutely spectacular as it provides mind-boggling views over the fjords and picture-perfect surroundings.

Flam to Bergen Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 50 min
Longest trip3 hrs 37 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 50 min
Longest trip5 hrs 0 min

Trains on Flam - Bergen route

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