Haramain Trains
Those who plan to extensively travel by train will most likely use Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR) trains which are among the most popular long-distance trains. What is more, Haramain train offers several train classes to select from, including 1st and 2nd. In the 2nd class, seats are usually placed 2+2 in each row, 1st class generally has seats 2+1. All Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR) train cars are air-conditioned, have comfortable seats as well as spacious areas for passengers' luggage. Most trains have a Bistro or Restaurant car where travelers can buy food and drinks during the trip, plus have trolleys with snacks for purchase too. Moreover, the train staff speaks one or two languages, including English.
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)の列車での旅行のクラス
Each Haramain High-Speed Railway train contains 113 business class seats, including two dedicated seats for people with special needs. The business class is provided with the highest levels of luxury and comfort as well as special services, such as very comfortable and spacious seats that include foldable armrest and tables, seat headrest, power plugs and a video screen.The cafeteria is located in the fifth coach of each train, food can be served as soon as the passengers start boarding the train. Customer’s dress code on board HHR trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA. Transporting animals is not permitted. Each passenger can bring one large-sized piece of luggage with up to 25 kg and with dimensions up to 65 x 55 x 35 cm (length-height-width). Besides, passenger will be able to carry one extra hand luggage: backpack, laptop bag, camera bag, purse, nursery bag and any similar items.
The economy class features 304 comfortable seats at affordable rates suitable for all passengers that provide them foldable armrest and tables, seat headrest and power plugs.The cafeteria is located in the fifth coach of each train, food can be served as soon as the passengers start boarding the train. Customer’s dress code on board HHR trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA. Transporting animals is not permitted. Each passenger can bring one large-sized piece of luggage with up to 25 kg and with dimensions up to 65 x 55 x 35 cm (length-height-width). Besides, passenger will be able to carry one extra hand luggage: backpack, laptop bag, camera bag, purse, nursery bag and any similar items.
メッカ449 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 17|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ449 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 3|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ78 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 44|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ78 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 42|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ371 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 19|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ271 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 19|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ268 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 3|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec268 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 10|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ104 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec104 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 5|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港75 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 24|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ75 kmキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 25|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港315 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 11|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ315 kmキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 11|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港85 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaecキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ390 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec390 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 4|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ449 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 17|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ449 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 3|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ78 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 44|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ78 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 42|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ371 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 19|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ271 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 19|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ268 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 3|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec268 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 10|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
ジェッダ104 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec104 kmジェッダ1日あたりの電車: 5|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港75 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 24|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ75 kmキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 25|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港315 kmメディナ1日あたりの電車: 11|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メディナ315 kmキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 11|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
キング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港85 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaecキング・アブドゥルアズィーズ国際空港1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
メッカ390 kmKaec1日あたりの電車: 6|人気の列車:
Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)
Kaec390 kmメッカ1日あたりの電車: 4|人気の列車:Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)