Those who plan to extensively travel by train will most likely use KiwiRail trains which are among the most popular long-distance trains. What is more, KiwiRail trains offer several train classes to select from, including 1st and 2nd. In the 2nd class, seats are usually placed 2+2 in each row, 1st class generally has seats 2+1. All KiwiRail train cars are air-conditioned, have comfortable seats as well as spacious areas for passengers' luggage. Most trains have a Bistro or Restaurant car where travelers can buy food and drinks during the trip, plus have trolleys with snacks for purchase too. Moreover, the train staff speaks one or two languages, including English.
Travel Classes Onboard KiwiRail Train
Economy Class Seat
Reclining seats, most facing direction of travel, all lining up with huge panoramic windows - note the roof skylights too!. There's loads of legroom even if you're over six feet tall. Seats recline to about 40 degrees.
1st Class Seat
KiwiRail's First Class service elevates train travel in New Zealand, offering a premium experience on iconic journeys like the TranzAlpine, Northern Explorer, and Coastal Pacific. Passengers can enjoy spacious, comfortable seating, panoramic windows for breathtaking views, and exceptional service throughout the journey. Perfect for those seeking luxury while exploring New Zealand’s stunning landscapes, KiwiRail’s First Class ensures a memorable and relaxing travel experience. -
Popular Train Routes
Auckland130 kmHamiltonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Hamilton130 kmAucklandTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Wellington125 kmPalmerston NorthTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Palmerston North125 kmWellingtonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Christchurch240 kmGreymouthTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Greymouth240 kmChristchurchTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Christchurch273 kmPictonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Picton273 kmChristchurchTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Auckland648 kmWellingtonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Wellington648 kmAucklandTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Auckland130 kmHamiltonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Hamilton130 kmAucklandTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Wellington125 kmPalmerston NorthTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Palmerston North125 kmWellingtonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Christchurch240 kmGreymouthTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Greymouth240 kmChristchurchTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Christchurch273 kmPictonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Picton273 kmChristchurchTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail
Auckland648 kmWellingtonTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:
Wellington648 kmAucklandTrains per day: 1|Popular trains:KiwiRail