The Green Commitment

The Green Commitment


Planting One Million Trees

We’re on a mission to plant 1,000,000 trees, and we've already planted 235,000! Each tree is a tiny superhero, fighting climate change, restoring habitats, and giving us oxygen. Plus, we’re planting fruit trees to help communities with food and sustainable farming. Join us in making a big difference!
1 Million Trees = 20,000 Acres of Forest


1 Million Trees = 20,000 Acres of Forest
The number of trees per acre can vary widely depending on several factors such as location, climate, and tree species. For instance, a managed forest in North America typically has between 40 and 60 trees per acre. Assuming a global average of 50 trees per acre, planting 1 million trees translates to creating 20,000 acres of forest. To visualize, this is comparable to about 75 square kilometers, or nearly the size of the island of Manhattan!
1 Million Trees = Oxygen for 2 Million People


1 Million Trees = Oxygen for 2 Million People
While it's well-known that trees produce oxygen, it might surprise you that an average mature tree produces enough oxygen for two people. Therefore, 1 million fully grown trees can provide enough oxygen for 2 million people. This amount of oxygen could sustain a population roughly the size of the entire city of Phoenix, Arizona.
1 Million Trees = Vital Habitat for Animals


1 Million Trees = Vital Habitat for Animals
Trees play a crucial role in providing habitat for wildlife. Approximately 80% of terrestrial species depend on forests for their survival. Planting just one tree in a barren area can significantly boost biodiversity. For example, introducing a single tree into an open field can attract dozens of bird species. Now, imagine the impact of planting 1 million trees on global biodiversity!
1 Million Trees = Healthy Food for Communities


1 Million Trees = Healthy Food for Communities
Our planting initiatives include a variety of trees, including fruit-bearing ones, which offer substantial benefits to local communities. For example, a mature mango tree can yield up to 300 fruits annually. Planting 1 million fruit trees can provide a significant source of nutrition and economic stability, equating to millions of mangoes and other fruits that support local diets and economies.
1 Million Trees = A Cooler Planet


1 Million Trees = A More Stable Climate
Trees are essential for stabilizing the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. A single mature tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 each year. Therefore, planting 1 million trees can sequester about 24,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually, which is akin to offsetting the emissions from approximately 5,000 homes' energy use for one year.
1 Million Trees = A Cooler Planet

Cooling effect

1 Million Trees = A Cooler Planet
Trees also contribute to cooling the environment. Through the process of transpiration, trees release water vapor that cools the air. Studies indicate that areas with dense tree cover can experience temperature reductions of up to 9 degrees Fahrenheit. Planting 1 million trees can create numerous such cool zones, improving the microclimates of urban and rural areas alike.
1 Million Trees = 1,087 Carbon Neutral People


1 Million Trees = 1,087 Carbon Neutral People
To visualize the impact, consider that the average person’s yearly activities, including commuting, heating, and air travel, contribute to their carbon footprint. Planting 920 trees can offset the annual carbon footprint of one North American. Therefore, 1 million trees can neutralize the carbon emissions of about 1,087 people, helping to create a more sustainable world. The average North American generates about 20 tons of CO2 per year, and with each tree absorbing 48 pounds of CO2 annually, planting 920 trees per person is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality. Though planting 920 trees might seem daunting, you can begin contributing today by supporting our initiative. We plant ten trees for each item purchased.

Your Contribution

Choose to offset your carbon footprint when buying your train ticket. Join us and help plant 1,000,000 trees for a greener, healthier future! 🌳🌍 Let's grow together!