Nozomi Tog

De som planlegger å reise mye med tog vil mest sannsynlig bruke Nozomi togene som er blant de mest populære langdistansetogene som kjører internasjonale ruter mellom blant andre Osaka, Nagoya, Sendai, Kobe. Nozomi-tog drives av JR, og tilbyr flere forskjellige reiseklasser å velge mellom, inkludert 1. og 2. klasse. I 2. klasse er setene vanligvis plassert 2+2, mens på 1. klasse er setene som regel plassert 2+1. Alle Nozomi sine togvogner har aircondition, komfortable seter, og god plass for passasjerenes bagasje. De fleste togene har en restaurantvogn hvor de reisende kan kjøpe mat og drikke under turen. Det er også traller hvor man kan kjøpe snacks. Dessuten snakker togpersonalet ett eller to språk, inkludert engelsk.

Reiseklasser ombord Nozomi tog

    • Nozomi train JR 2nd class
    • Economy JR
    • Nozomi train JR
    • Extra JR
    • Nozomi train JR

    Økonomiklasse sete (med overdimensjonert bagasje)

    When traveling with oversized luggage it is recommended to book special seats that have space for such luggage. Luggage is considered oversized if its dimensions are greater than 160 cm in total (height + length + width). This is equivalent to 63 inches.

    • Nozomi train JR 2nd class 3
    • Nozomi train JR 2nd class
    • Nozomi train JR
    • Nozomi train JR

    Economy Class Sete

    Such coaches provide seating arranged 3 by 2. It is equipped with facilities, such as power sockets, a service table, and a reading light.

    • Nozomi train JR
    • Nozomi train JR

    1. Klasse Sete

    This travel class offers comfortable seats, generally arranged 2 by 2, with enough legroom. The train car is equipped with places for luggage storage and has large windows.

    • Nozomi train JR
    • Business JR
    • Extra JR
    • Nozomi train JR

    1. klasse sete (med overdimensjonert bagasje)

    When traveling with oversized luggage it is recommended to book special seats that have space for such luggage. Luggage is considered oversized if its dimensions are greater than 160 cm in total (height + length + width). This is equivalent to 63 inches.