Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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4 h 58 m
Longest travel time:
4 h 58 m
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Catalonia's capital is a very popular travel destination, welcoming hundreds of tourists daily. Find all you need to know about railway stations in Barcelona!
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Barcelona train stations
Sants Station
Carrer del Rector Triado, 75, 08014, Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona Airport Terminal
08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona Estacion Nord
Carrer del Rector Triado, 75, 08013, Barcelona, Spain
528 km
Marseille train stations
Square Narvik, 13232, Marseille, France
Marseille-Blancarde station
Place de la Gare de la Blancarde 13005 Marseille Bouches-du-Rhône France, Marseille, France

Barcelona to Marseille Train Information

Let yourself get enchanted by the stunning coastal sceneries while the modern train takes you from charming Marseille to the glorious Barcelona. The entire journey lasts 4,5 hours allowing all travelers to stretch out, relax, and take advantage of the high-class onboard service. Already feel inspired to arrange your trip from romantic France to sunny Spain? Using Rail. Ninja user-friendly platform, you can quickly check Barcelona to Marseille train timetable, indicate your seat preferences, and book your tickets within a few minutes! 

Are you planning to take a few days itinerary to Marseille? Get ready to the amazing travel experience in advance. Follow France trip planner to collect the most fascinating sights and make the most ambitious travel plans of yours come true!

Barcelona to Marseille Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Afternoon trains
4 hrs 58 min
4 hrs 58 min

Trains from Barcelona to Marseille

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Bullet train
4 hrs 58 min
8.7 / 10 based on 46 reviews

Barcelona to Marseille Train Review & Rating

It was a pleasant journey.

Jordan Howell about traveling from Barcelona to Marseille