Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1 h 57 m
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2 h 28 m
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Bologna train station
Bologna Centrale
Piazza delle Medaglie d'Oro, 40121, Bologna, Italy
350 km
Although Roma Termini is the main railway station in Rome, it's far from being the only one. Find out what are the major train stations in Italy's capital.
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Rome train stations
Piazza dei Cinquecento, 1, 00185, Rome, Italy
00162 Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy
00154, Rome, Italy
Largo Mazzoni (Autostaz. Tiburtina)
Largo Guido Mazzoni, 00162 Rome, Italy

Bologna to Rome Train Information

If you need to travel between the beautiful city of Bologna and the magnificent Italian capital, taking a train is among the fastest and most comfortable ways to do so. A high-speed Bologna to Rome train travels the distance between the cities in two hours while taking a plane means that you need to spend two hours in the airport waiting for the departure (not counting the flight time and the time you need to get to/from the remotely located airports). Apart from being the fastest, taking a train is also one of the most comfortable means to travel from Bologna to Rome. All Italo trains are fast, safe, and well-equipped, offering to take advantage of the reclining leather seats, free Wi-Fi, and individual electric sockets.
Traveling by train is a fantastic way to feel like a local and explore the spectacular nature of the country. But if you want to see more, feel free to check the best-in-class Italy tour packages including amazing travel spots to spice up your getaway.

How do I get from Bologna to Rome by train?

One of the pluses of taking a train from Bologna to Rome is that it allows you to avoid puzzling over how to get to the airports, located outside the city limits. The train stations are all situated in the hearts of the cities and are easily accessible via public transport, so you should be able to reach them fairly quickly. To catch a bullet Bologna to Rome train, you need to go to the central Bologna train station. There you board a fast and modern train that takes you to the capital of sunny Italy in 2 hours. When in Rome, you can choose between the Termini arrival station, located in the heart of the city, and the Tiburtina station, set in the north-eastern part of the town.

When to book Bologna to Rome train tickets?

The general rule is the sooner you purchase your train tickets, the better. A Bologna to Rome high-speed train is one of the most popular choices for traveling between the cities and the tickets get sold out very quickly, so it’s never a good idea to postpone the purchase till the last possible minute. Also, take into consideration that the “last-minute” tickets cost 2.5 times more than the ones you’d buy in advance.

Bologna to Rome Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
1 hrs 57 min
2 hrs 28 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 22 min
2 hrs 28 min
Evening trains
2 hrs 22 min
2 hrs 28 min
Night trains
2 hrs 27 min
2 hrs 27 min

Trains from Bologna to Rome

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
1 hrs 57 min
9.2 / 10 based on 54 reviews

Bologna to Rome Train Review & Rating

Our train trip went smoothly, the connection took something around two hours

Kara L. about traveling from Bologna to Rome