Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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5 h 1 m
Longest travel time:
6 h 6 m
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Guilin train stations
Guilin West railway station
Lingchuan County, Guangxi, Guilin, Guangxi, China, Guilin, China
Guilin North Railway Station
Diecai District, Beichen Rd: 541213, Guilin, China
Guilin station
776M+J7Q, Zhongshan S Rd, Xiangshan District, Guilin, Guilin, Guangxi, China, 541000, Guilin, China
500 km
Chengdu train station
Chengdu East Station
Qionglaishan Road, No. 333, Chengdu, China

Guilin to Chengdu Train Information

Among the top choices for traveling from Guilin to Chengdu is taking a fast and modern train. All high-speed trains running between the cities were designed to offer the passengers everything they might need for a pleasant journey, including several travel classes to choose from, fast travel times (the journey takes about 6 hours), and an extensive timetable with up to 7 daily departures. Fantastic onboard amenities are also at your service during the ride. The trains from Guilin to Chengdu boast light and spacious carriages, equipped with cushy seats, and offer plenty of legroom and generous luggage space. Big panoramic windows are perfect for admiring the spectacular views along the way. Another reason to opt for a train ride from Guilin to Chengdu is that the train stations are located close to the city centers and are conveniently accessible by public transport, making it very easy to get around.

Guilin to Chengdu Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
6 hrs 6 min
6 hrs 6 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 1 min
6 hrs 0 min

Trains from Guilin to Chengdu

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
China Railway
China Railway
Bullet train
5 hrs 1 min