Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
Flexible payments
20+ methods
Real human support
24/7 help
Shortest travel time:
2 h 23 m
Longest travel time:
2 h 34 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Szeged train station
190 km
Budapest train stations
1145, Budapest, Hungary
Nepliget Bus Station
1091, Budapest, Hungary
Szeged to Budapest Train Information
If you have a trip from Szeged to Budapest in mind, taking a train is always a great idea, as a high-speed train can cover the distance between the cities in a matter of just 2.5 hours! Apart from being one of the fastest means to travel, a train ride is also among the most comfortable ones. All trains serving the Szeged to Budapest railway route are modern, safe, and well-equipped. The passengers are welcome to take advantage of cushy seats, generous legroom, and more than enough space for the luggage during the journey. What is more, the trains boast impeccable punctuality and a broad schedule with up to 15 daily departures, making planing a railway trip from Szeged to Budapest as easy as ABC.
Szeged to Budapest Train Timetable
Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Trains from Szeged to Budapest
Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from

Intercity train
2 hrs 23 min
Popular Train Routes From Szeged and Budapest
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Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:MAV
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:MAV
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:MAV
Trains per day: 14|Popular trains:Regio Jet
,Czech Railways
,Regio Jet
Trains per day: 7|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 2|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 1|Popular trains:EuroNight
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 16|Popular trains:MAV
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Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:MAV
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:MAV
Trains per day: 14|Popular trains:
Regio Jet
,Czech Railways
,Regio Jet
Trains per day: 7|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 2|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 1|Popular trains:EuroNight
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 16|Popular trains:MAV