Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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Targu Mures
Targu Mures train station
Tirgu Mures Central station
Strada Sârguinței, Piaţa Gării, Târgu Mureș, Romania
449 km
Bucharest train station
Bucharest Nord Station
Gara de Nord, Bulevardul Dinicu Golescu, 010866, Bucharest, Romania
Targu Mures to Bucharest Train Information
If you need to travel between the amazing cities of Targu Mures and Bucharest, taking a train is one of your best options. A car ride may be faster, but traveling by train is way more comfortable and the fuel you need for the ride costs approximately the same as a ticket for a train from Targu Mures to Bucharest. Another reason to opt for the Targu Mures - Bucharest railway is that there is no direct plane connection between the cities. A Romanian train, in its turn, offers everything you need for a stress-free ride as well as the beautiful views outside the train window on the way to spectacular Bucharest.
Targu Mures to Bucharest Train Review & Rating
My wife and I had a great trip, thanks Rail Ninja.
Anjelo S. about traveling from Targu Mures to Bucharest
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CFR Calatori
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CFR Calatori