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Travel to Valencia by Train

Valencia is a city and province of the same name, the richest land, sung by the Romans as an earthly paradise, and today fully corresponds to such a high assessment, having not lost its immortal charm for two millennia. If you find yourself in Spain on the Mediterranean coast, by all means, come to Valencia. The recommended time for a visit is at least a week: Valencia is simply overflowing with relics, the spirit of history that oozes from under every stone, and even seven days will seem catastrophically short to you. If you find yourself on the beach in the evening, you can walk east to the city limits. There you will visit a modest-sized bay with a small seafood restaurant, opposite which, in the style of "mini-Venice", modern high-rise buildings rise directly from the sea surface. By the way, the beaches of Valencia are considered the cleanest in Europe, and UNESCO has rated them six Blue Flags (Blue flag means the highest quality). Visit this paradise one day, you will not regret it. One of the most comfortable ways to view its expanses is via the tour by Spain's trains and admire the capturing landscapes and Mediterranean coasts while relaxing in the cozy and well-equipped train!