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58 m
Longest travel time:
1 h 19 m
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Cordoba (Spain)
Cordoba (Spain) train station
169 km
To fully prepare for the upcoming trip, learn everything you need to know about train stations in Malaga, in-house facilities, and available rail services.
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Malaga train station
Cordoba (Spain) to Malaga Train Information
Traveling by train is the smart choice - one that will provide a stress-free and reliable journey to your destination. With Cordoba to Malaga trains, you can count on arriving on time, in comfort, and at an affordable price. Whether you're heading for business or leisure, Cordoba to Malaga trains offer convenience and value that make the journey part of the adventure. So if you’re looking for a hassle-free, convenient, and affordable journey from Cordoba to Malaga, look no further than Cordoba to Malaga trains. Enjoy scenic views along the way and savor the journey like never before!
Cordoba (Spain) to Malaga Train Timetable
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Trains on Cordoba (Spain) - Malaga Route
Cordoba to Malaga Train Review & Rating
It was a nice experience, the train had air-conditioning and seats with enough legroom
Sherry T. about traveling from Cordoba to Malaga
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