
Copenhagen to Gothenburg Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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336 km
Shortest travel time:3 h 29 m
Earliest departure:03:41
Longest travel time:4 h 39 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$61
Avg. daily departures:24
Latest departure:20:30

Copenhagen to Gothenburg Train Information

Trains are among the most popular forms of transportation for traveling between the unforgettable capital of Denmark and the beautiful city of Gothenburg. There are two train operators on the Copenhagen - Gothenburg railway route. You can choose to travel by a direct Oresundstag Intercity train that can take you straight to the city center of Gothenburg in 3.5 hours. Or you can consider booking tickets for an SJ high-speed train which requires a train change in Malmo but allows you to shorten your journey by half an hour. Both of these trains from Copenhagen to Gothenburg are well equipped and can provide everything you need for a worry-free ride.

Popular questions about Copenhagen to Gothenburg Trains

Is there a direct train from Copenhagen to Gothenburg?

Yes, there is a direct Oresundstag intercity train. It departs from Copenhagen Central Station and arrives at Gothenburg Central Station in about 3h 50m. The trains depart every hour starting from 05:27 am, so you can pick the time that suits you best.

How far is it from Copenhagen to Gothenburg?

Copenhagen is 336 km (209 mi) far from Gothenburg, which is only a 4-hour ride on the Oresundstag intercity train. The whole Copenhagen to Gothenburg route is filled with dramatic views, including the marvelous Oresund bridge.

Copenhagen to Gothenburg Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 35 min
Longest trip4 hrs 39 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 35 min
Longest trip3 hrs 50 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 29 min
Longest trip3 hrs 55 min

Trains on Copenhagen - Gothenburg route

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