
Myrdal to Flam Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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13 km
Shortest travel time:46 m
Earliest departure:10:15
Longest travel time:2 h 56 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$65
Avg. daily departures:5
Latest departure:21:19

Myrdal to Flam Train Information


Enjoying a ride along the Flamsbana Railway is a "must" thing to do during any Norway travel, as this rail route is often referred to as the most picturesque in the world! What is more, the Myrdal Central train station is among the most scenic train stations in the world, located high in the mountains at the altitude of 867 m (2884 ft). The Myrdal - Flam trains, serving the breathtaking rail line, are fast and safe, they offer great onboard amenities as well as a broad departure schedule to take advantage of. On this page, you can find all the important information about the trains from Myrdal to Flam (such as the train schedule, general route info, ticket prices, etc.) and book your rail tickets for up to 2 years before your trip.

Popular questions about Myrdal to Flam Trains


How do you get from Myrdal to Flam?

Without a doubt, the most spectacular and comfortable way to travel between the cities is to take a sightseeing Flamsbana train and enjoying some truly jaw-dropping views during the rail journey.

What is Flam railway famous for?

The train route connecting the charming towns of Myrdal and Flam is known as the most spectacular rail route in the world! Although the cities are nestled within 13 km (about 8 mi)from each other, the journey onboard a sightseeing train takes almost 45 minutes, as the train goes at 40 km/h (25 mph) to allow you fully appreciate the jaw-dropping landscapes along the way.

Myrdal to Flam Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip50 min
Longest trip50 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip46 min
Longest trip50 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip50 min
Longest trip50 min
Night trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 56 min
Longest trip2 hrs 56 min

Trains on Myrdal - Flam route

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