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Obala kneza Domagoja 9, 21000, Split, Κροατία

A small but charming train station Kolodvor Split is one of the city's most important transport hubs. It's set close to the city center, side by side with Split's main bus terminal, boasting a much bigger size. While the station's train station building can't boast a wide range of in-house facilities (tickets desks, bathrooms, and a waiting room are pretty much all you can find inside), the bus terminal next door is much more modern and houses luggage storage, a cozy cafe, excellent restaurant, and even a small grocery store. There is no parking on the premises of neither transport hubs, but there are parking facilities within walking distance available. 



Kolodvor Split Q&A


When did the Split railway station open?

The building that houses Kolodvor Split was built at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1906. Today, this landmark is protected as a part of the country's rich cultural heritage, which explains why the railway station seems a bit old-fashion.

How far is the station from the city center?

As mentioned above, the station is nestled very close to the city center - it will take about a 10-minute walk to get there. What is more, the station is also set near the ferry port, making it very easy to get around after arrival to Split.


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