Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
Flexible payments
20+ methods
Real human support
24/7 help
Shortest travel time:
5 h 7 m
Longest travel time:
5 h 9 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Berlin train stations
Badstraße 1-3, 13357, Berlin, Germany
Berlin Central Bus Station
14057 , Berlin, Germany
Berlin Alt-Tegel
Karolinenstraße 21, 13507 Berlin, Germany
Berlin Südkreuz
Hildegard-Knef-Platz, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Berlin Airport BER (T1/2)
12529 Schönefeld, Berlin, Germany
Berlin ZOB Am Funkturm bus station
14057 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
517 km
Warsaw train stations
Aleje Jerozolimskie 54, 00-001, Warsaw, Poland
00-001 Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Berlin to Warsaw Train Information
Planning to travel from Berlin to Warsaw? Marvel at the sceneries of Germany and Poland while onboard a fully-equipped Berlin to Warsaw train. Direct high-speed Berlin-Warszawa-Express trains run by EuroCity depart from the Hauptbahnhof station in Berlin and take you to the Central station in Warsaw in about 5.5 hours reaching the maximum speed of 124 mph. There are up to 4 daily departures depending on the weekday. You can check the detailed Berlin to Warsaw train timetable and book rail tickets with Rail Ninja, curated route planning, expert advice & online booking platform for European trains.
Berlin to Warsaw Train Timetable
Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Trains from Berlin to Warsaw
Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from

Express train
5 hrs 8 min

Deutsche Bahn
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 7 min
Berlin to Warsaw Train Review & Rating
Had a most enjoyable smooth gliding journey. Plus it was easy to book the train
Luis Barros about traveling from Berlin to Warsaw
Popular Train Routes From Berlin and Warsaw
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Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
Amsterdam634 kmBerlinTrains per day: 14|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Berlin634 kmAmsterdamTrains per day: 12|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 29|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 9|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 21|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 8|Popular trains:
Czech Railways
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:Czech Railways
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 18|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Vilnius509 kmWarsaw
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:LUX Express
Warsaw509 kmVilniusLithuania
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:LTG Link
Trains per day: 12|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
Filter by
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
Amsterdam634 kmBerlinTrains per day: 14|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Berlin634 kmAmsterdamTrains per day: 12|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 29|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 9|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 30|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 21|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
,Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 8|Popular trains:
Czech Railways
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:Czech Railways
Trains per day: 17|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 18|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Vilnius509 kmWarsaw
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:LUX Express
Warsaw509 kmVilniusLithuania
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:LTG Link
Trains per day: 12|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:PKP Intercity
,Express InterCity
Trains per day: 4|Popular trains:
PKP Intercity