Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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2 h 42 m
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3 h 19 m
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Do you know how many train stations are there in Florence? Read all you need to know about the rail hubs in the amazing city. 
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Florence train stations
Santa Maria Novella
Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 50123 , Florence, Italy
Campo Di Marte
Via Mannelli, 10-16, Firenze, Italy
Via Renato Fantoni, 50127, Firenze, Italy
408 km
Naples train stations
Naples Centrale
Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 80142, Naples, Italy
Afragola AV
80021 Afragola, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy, Afragola, Italy
Naples Porta Nolana Train Station
80142, Naples, Italy
Naples P Garibaldi Train Station
80142, Naples, Italy

Florence to Naples Train Information

Connecting Italian cities of unparalleled charm, Florence and Naples, the high-speed Italo train is one of the best options for Italy travel. With over ten daily departures, the bullet train provides a safe and comfortable journey, as well as some picturesque views along the way. The high-speed Florence to Naples train completes its route in around three hours and offers modern amenities, as well as several train classes for your convenience. Using Rail Ninja, you can find more information on the route and easily purchase your Florence to Naples train tickets. Looking for something to do upon arrival to Naples? Don't hesitate to check out Triptile - Europe trip planner, boasting a huge database with hundreds of unique sights and authentic activities. Building a perfect Italy trips was never that easy!

Is there a direct train from Florence to Naples?

Yes, there is a direct Florence to Naples bullet train run by Italo Treno, though it makes a very short stop at Rome to pick up new travelers. The road takes 3 hours, so Florence to Naples train is one of the fastest and most comfortable ways to travel between these two Italian cities.

Which station in Florence goes to Naples?

From Florence Santa Maria Novella train station you can take Italo Treno bullet train that will carry you to Naples through Rome. The trains depart every hour with the first one at 07:43, so you’ll be able to easily choose the time that suits you best.
And hard to argue with the fact that traveling by train in Italy is a memorable experience, but how do you feel about spicing up your Italy getaway? Use Triptile - Innovative trip planner, it is a fantastic platform, allowing you to plan a perfect Florence tour, tailored to suit your interests and, the best of all, it's very easy (and free!) to use.

Florence to Naples Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
3 hrs 0 min
3 hrs 15 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 45 min
3 hrs 0 min
Evening trains
3 hrs 0 min
3 hrs 19 min

Trains from Florence to Naples

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
2 hrs 42 min
9.2 / 10 based on 56 reviews

Florence to Naples Train Review & Rating

Had no problems while booking the tickets whatsoever. Great fast train

Caroline M. about traveling from Florence to Naples