Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
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20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
5 h 28 m
Longest travel time:
7 h 4 m
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Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Salzburg train station
Salzburg Hauptbahnhof
Südtiroler Pl. 7, 5020, Salzburg, Austria
414 km
Prague train stations
Prague Main Station
Wilsonova 8, 110 00, Prague, Czechia
Partyzánská 1546/26, 17000, Prague, Czechia
Prague UAN Florenc
Křižíkova 2110/2b, 186 00 , Prague, Czechia
Prague Na Knížecí bus station
Smíchov, 150 00 Prague 5, Prague, Czechia
Prague Cerny Most bus station
Černý most, Autobusové nádraží, 198 00 , Prague, Czechia

Salzburg to Prague Train Information

Already planning your upcoming Europe exploration? Then you should know that taking a train from Salzburg to Prague is probably the most romantic way to see the best what the fairy-tale Chech Republic and wonderful Austria has to offer. Operated by OBB, the Austrian Federal Railways, modern Salzburg to Prague trains cover the distance of 378 km (234 mi) between cities in less than 6 hours offering all needed for a pleasant ride amenities, featuring comfortable seats, spacious legroom, generous luggage racks, and free Wi-Fi. Moreover, during the trip, you get to see plenty of scenic towns and villages, so make sure to sit by the window to enjoy the amazing view.

Is there a direct train from Salzburg to Prague?

No, no direct trains are serving this route. Some trains from Salzburg reach the Chezh Republic's capital via Wien Hbf (Vienna Main Railway Station).

Is the train ride from Salzburg to Prague scenic?

During the ride, you'll pass many scenic European towns as Pardubice, Brno, Breclav, and Vienna, among others. Relax, stretch out, and let yourself get charmed by the stunning countryside of Austria and the Chezh Republic while seated cozily in a spacious seat.

Salzburg to Prague Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
5 hrs 28 min
7 hrs 4 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 28 min
7 hrs 4 min

Trains from Salzburg to Prague

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 28 min
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 48 min
9 / 10 based on 53 reviews

Salzburg to Prague Train Review & Rating

If you are looking for an alternate to flying, this is the perfect way to go

Ellen O. about traveling from Salzburg to Prague