Copenhagen to Malmo Train Information
A modern high-speed train from Copenhagen to Malmo is one of the most popular choices for traveling between beautiful Denmark and scenic Sweden. All trains on the route are fast and safe, but we advise you to consider booking either a high-speed SJ train or an Intercity Oresundstag train for your journey. Both of them boast the shortest travel times, several travel classes to choose from, extensive train schedules, and the best onboard amenities, including comfortable seats, light and spacious cabins, plenty of space for your luggage, power sockets, and complimentary Wi-Fi.
How much is a train ticket from Copenhagen to Malmo?
The ticket prices for Copenhagen - Malmo trains vary, depending on which train you prefer for the journey, travel class you favor, and whether you need a “last-minute” ticket” or are booking in advance. As a rule, be ready to pay something in the range of 40-65 USD for a regional SJ train ticket and about 50-75 USD for an Intercity Oresundstag train.
Where to buy train tickets from Copenhagen to Malmo?
There are several ways to book tickets for trains from Copenhagen to Malmo. For example, you can choose the old fashioned way and buy the tickets at the railway station before the departure. But keep in mind, that in this case there are a number of issues you can encounter, such as sold-out tickets or endless queues. To save your time, we advise booking your tickets online. You can buy tickets for any train going from Copenhagen to Malmo on Rail Ninja in a matter of several mouse clicks, as well as read all the important information about the train operators, routes, and travel times.
How to take the train from Copenhagen to Malmo?
If you’ve decided to travel between the cities of Copenhagen and Malmo onboard a well-equipped modern train, you need to go to the Copenhagen train station, set not far from the 17th-century Round Tower and the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Art Museum. There you can catch a comfortable train, going all the way to the charming city of Malmo and arriving at the Central Station.
Copenhagen to Malmo Train Timetable
Trains from Copenhagen to Malmo

Copenhagen to Malmo Train Review & Rating
Very quick train ride but with awesome views from the Oresund Bridge.
Luke T. about traveling from Copenhagen to Malmo
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