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Map of Popular Argentinian Train Routes



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A-rated company by Better Business Bureau


Winner of the prestigious World Travel Awards in 2011


Top 10 US travel company according to Inc. 5000


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What our customers say


5 stars


The site was really easy to use, clean, and easy to understand! We ended up booking first class tickets and really enjoyed our train ride! So many of the train websites are hard to read and understand, this one really puts it together into an easy to understand form. Thank you, Rail Ninja!

United States of America Reviewed on 07-10-2018

5 stars


I found the site very user friendly. The information was excellent and covered everything I needed to know. Booking the tickets was so easy. I also rang with a query about the issue of tickets and the staff were very friendly and helpful and sorted everything out for me immediately.


AustraliaReviewed on 06-24-2018

5 stars


It was the first time I used your services and I am very satisfied with response and the efficiency of the services!

BrazilReviewed on 06-14-2018